Accidently on Purpose

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Afternoon sickness

In the mornings, so far, I feel fine. It's at about 3 to 5 pm that I feel nauseous and tired, although, so far, I haven't come anywhere near actually vomiting, which I certainly did with previous pregnancies. Interestingly, there is far less of a problem on days I'm working; I spent three hours helping my boss plate a cat's broken leg today, on an almost empty stomach, which should have been a recipe for disaster but for some mind-over-matter reason, wasn't. I've told her, which was good: she was cool about it, and will let me bring the baby with me if I do the odd session for her soon after the birth. If there is a baby, and a birth, that is. So far not the slightest suggestion that there might be a miscarriage; all symptoms are gently but steadily progressing. I make it 6 1/2 weeks, currently.

I still seem to wake at 6 am most mornings, which is not all bad, because I have enough energy at that time to do the washing up that I should have done the night before. Otherwise, I am generally managing to sleep through the night from about midnight onwards. My mood swings dreadfully; yesterday I was almost hoping I wouldn't end up with a baby, because the level of change and complications to our lives just seemed insurmountably high, but today I don't feel like that at all. I think that if I get past the first trimester with a good testing result, it'll all be fine, mentally, but I just daren't let myself get emotionally involved before that, and that's very hard, and a lonely place to be in.


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