Accidently on Purpose

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Blue line day

I suppose it's all that scientific training that meant I felt I had to use a test kit to confirm that I am pregnant. I already knew. I don't remember being this sure with my other pregnancies, but then I don't remember all the tiny details from either, which is one reason for writing this. My period was due yesterday (Monday). On Friday, I lay in the bath and wondered if my nipples looked slightly different; a Google for "Montgomery's tubercules" reminded me what I should be looking for, and I wondered some more. Over the weekend, the painful, tender breasts that I get before every period gradually morphed into alien structures possibly imported from Barbie; they're not visibly bigger, and they don't hurt more than usual for premenstrual symptoms, but somehow they just feel different. There are various twinges going on in my uterus, and, as if from a textbook, I woke up on the day my period was due with mild nausea and an instant aversion to coffee (had that last two times, too). The nausea has been very mild so far, but I'm only 48 hours into it, after all.

For some reason, I can't sleep properly - emotional turmoil? hormones? I got almost no sleep Sunday night, went to sleep quickly on Monday and woke up at 4.30 am with a hot flush, which is the first time I've ever experienced one. Bizarre - as if spontaneously combusting inside. I suppose everything will settle down with time. Anyway, I did the preg test I'd somehow felt it necessary to buy, and, sure enough, it was positive.

Positive. I didn't think I'd ever be looking at a positive pregnancy test again. Whatever happens from here, I've been pregnant three times now.

John knows, of course, and I'm going to tell my mother tomorrow (goodness knows what she'll say), but I don't want to tell the children for a week or two. They will be delighted. They both want a baby, for some reason. Out of the blue, J (who's 11) said to me this afternoon,

"If someone gave you a million pounds, would you and Dad have another baby?"
"Oh, sure," I said. "Absolutely."
"Then all I need to do is work out how to get a million pounds", she said.

Mmm. That's going to be an interesting conversation, if we get that far, given how often I've told them it's not going to happen.


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